Friday, February 19, 2010

Stephen S. Rasmussen Philosophy Isn't It Odd That America's Leadership Is More Left-wing Than The UK, Sweden, Canada, Denmark And France?

Isn't it odd that America's leadership is more left-wing than the UK, Sweden, Canada, Denmark and France? - stephen s. rasmussen philosophy

Fredrik Reinfeldt (Sweden) - Moderate to center-right --
Stephen Harper (Canada) - center-right --
Løkke Lars Rasmussen (Denmark) - Center-right
Gordon Brown (UK) - center-left (right of Obama-Pelosi)
Nicolas Sarkozy (France) - center-right (conservative, liberal tax)


geyamala గేయమాల said...

Only gullible people who do not read the basics of Marxism-Leninism, science, and believe that U.S. leadership is aligned to the left.
Obama is the president of the center-right, I think

Kevin said...

The Conservatives are so stupid. The Democratic Party is liberal, not socialist. Even the conservatives use "left" and "socialist" as bad words. The Labor Party in Britain officially socialist, as well as the Social Democrats in Germany, and of course, the Socialist Party of France. Stephen Harper, leader of the Conservative Party, why should "left?" Some of his examples make no sense at all. Learn to Obama presidency means that the United States today is a liberal-conservative? Labels such as "center" is so ambiguous that it means nothing. The conservative lack of contact with reality is shown by such questions. Obama's attempt to regulate the health insurance and expanding public reporting is an attempt to address the weakness of fu -lly socialized systems in Britain, France, Canada, Germany and Sweden. If the conservatives against Obama, fine. But do not spread lies and misinformation "that shows only the people wonder why the Conservatives deserve to lead the nation.

Don't call me dude said...

It is a completely different spectrum.

The average Democratic elected officials from a Conservative party of the euro as a dangerous right-wing Law, whose presence will be shown, would discredit his party with the public.

Margaret Thatcher, the Conservatives 'Mad Slasher "social programs in Britain, has programs rather than an absolute necessity, not an official in the Democratic Party today described _About start_ fear of', such as ultra-left.

Bill Clinton to "end welfare as we know it" program would not be accepted by all in Europe, except perhaps some of the extreme right, fascist or nationalist parties.

As I said, a very different spectrum.

Crown Royal said...

I have never come true in this country, no?

Center-right is closer to the Democratic Party here. His left here out of scale.

gws35 said...

Did you know that all is but one country (France) place "less corrupt" than the United States? ...

Kaito says EH-OH CANADA GO! said...

It is not.

In Europe and Canada, the center-right support CHU, abortions and non-religious state.

Senator Al Franken Hahahahahaha! said...


The conservatism of the United States hit the curb with the rest of the trash where it belongs.

Marko said...

Unless the parties of the center are still fairly liberal in comparison with our

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