What is the meaning of a shooting pain in one of your overies? - i have pain in my overies
I sometimes have a throbbing pain, fast in one of my acquisitions. What does this mean. Is this a sign of ovulation?
What is the meaning of a shooting pain in one of your overies? - i have pain in my overies
I sometimes have a throbbing pain, fast in one of my acquisitions. What does this mean. Is this a sign of ovulation?
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No. One of the tubes could be blocked. This can be caused by a child, really, the implantation in the wall of the tube. If you are not so long ago, you have to go to the doctor and see if that's all.
Could a hernia. In this case, it is much less serious.
You can still see a doctor, just to see.
The first defendant is correct. Ovulation is not violated. Consult a doctor.
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